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6 Steps to Create a Brand for your Business

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6 Steps to Create a Brand for your Business

Last Updated on July 27, 2021 by EricJones

The commercial market is witnessing a deluge of brands coming in and going out as the clock ticks. But that does not mean that every business out there is thriving. Only the companies that can create a brand gets to taste success in this highly competitive world.

Now, creating a brand is quite a challenging assignment. But if you break down the process in easy steps, it surely becomes more manageable. On that note, here are six steps for building a brand for your company:

1. Figure out your place in the market

First of all, you need to understand who your competitors and potential customers are. You can Google the niche your company belongs in to analyse who your direct and indirect contenders are. You can also talk to people from your target market and ask them about their preferences.

2. Define your brand’s focus

Your brand cannot be for or serve everyone. So, find your focus at the very beginning. Determine your positioning statement and a USP. You can release a mission statement that informs your customers about your brand. Use adjectives to describe the type of your brand. Give your brand a personality that resonates with the audience.

3. Choose a business name

Depending on your business genre, name your brand based on its personality, actions, and reputation. Since your brand name will impact your logo, domain, and trademark registration, choose wisely. You would not want your customers to spell your brand name wrong in Myassignmenthelp review. So, go for a name that is simple and easy to remember.

4. Pick aesthetic colours and fonts

Visual representation of the brand name plays an important role. Use colours that define the message you want to communicate. Avoid colours that your competitors use. When it comes to fonts, use something that goes with the font you use on your website. Pick two fonts – one for the headings and one for body text.

5. Design your logo

Your company’s logo will help your customers remember you since it serves as the face of your company. So, design a logo that is easily identifiable yet unique. Your logo must also be scalable enough to fit in all sizes. Make sure your logo looks good in a square version for the profile pictures on social media sites.

6. Create a slogan

If you think carefully, you will see that we remember the slogans of most of the prominent brands. A tagline is as crucial as your logo. So, make sure to use a short yet descriptive slogan that defines your brand. The slogan should be catchy – something witty that we can easily remember.

Your brand name can make an excellent first impression and attract customers in the right direction. Most importantly, your brand name can make your company memorable. So, make sure to follow these six steps to put your best foot forward. All the best.

Author Bio: Ricky works for a renowned educational digital marketing company in Australia. He has pursued his MBA from the University of Sydney. And holds an in-depth understanding of the different aspects of online marketing. Ricky is also a part of and He recently joins Siteswise as editor.

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