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Organize complex thoughts via Verbal communication

4 min read

Last Updated on May 15, 2022 by Aaron Thompson

Our lives are closely tied to the language we use and communication via words serves various functions in our daily lives. Communication via verbal means helps us establish the world as well as organize, think and influence the way we think.

Verbal communication can help us to organize complex thoughts as well as experiences in meaningful ways. Consider the variety of experiences you have through your five senses each day. It’s impossible to grasp all that we see. Communication via verbal means helps us categorize the seemingly unrelated events in logical categories to help us make sense of our lives. For instance, we all categorize the people we meet into groups. We identify them using names like acquaintances, friends and families, romantic partners, colleagues, colleagues and even strangers. We emphasize certain characteristics such as traits or characters to arrange outwardly random events into meaningful categories in order to define the meaning of our lives.

Key component of Verbal communication

Verbal communication is a key component in helping to consider. Without verbal communication, we could not be able to function as intelligent beings. The most commonly used ability to differentiate humans in comparison to other mammals is our capacity to think and communicate. Through language, we are in a position to think about the past, think about the present, and think about the future. We develop our memories using language. 

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Consider reliving your first memories that you were conscious of. It is likely that your first conscious memory began to form around the time you began using language. The example we discussed at the start of this chapter outlines the world like for people who do not have a the language. According to the Scientific American article, “How Language Shapes Thought,”. The author, Lera Boroditsky, argues it is true that we “rely on language even when they do simple things. Such as identifying colors, counting dots on a display or trying to find a place in a tiny space.

My colleagues and I have discovered that limiting the ability of people to use their language abilities effectively-by giving them a with a demanding verbal task. Like repeating news reports for instance, hinders the ability of them to accomplish the task.” This is why it’s hard for certain people to multitask in a way, especially when one activity requires speaking while the other requires thinking.

Affect of language

Language influences our beliefs towards the world. The way you speak affects your perception of everything around you. Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf came up with the Sapir-Whorf theory to explain how language affects the way we think. Languages that are different or have different language usage have different thoughts. The argument is that If a native English speaker had exactly the similar experiences throughout their lives.

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However, they grew up with Chinese rather than English their perspective on the world could be different due to the various symbols they use to comprehend the reality about the universe. When you describe, label or analyze events in your daily life, you employ your language’s symbols use. The way you use the symbols you use to depict your life’s events affects your perception and perception of the world. It is therefore logical that the higher-quality. Your collection of symbols is and the more advanced your view of the world could be for you. 

Language shapes our perception

While the Sapir-Whorf idea is widely accepted but there have been numerous philosophical and academic challenges. To the idea that language shapes our perception of the world. For instance, Agustin Vicente and Fernando Martinez-Manrique conducted research on “the “argument of explicitness” which is based on two principles. The first is that “the device of thought has to be clear” to enable thinking and language to be interconnected.

The other is the fact that languages used in nature. Which are the languages which humans are able to learn in the course of development and develop. Aren’t explicitly expressed (Vicente and Martinez-Manrique 384). They conclude thinking “demand the kind of clarity and consistency of meaning that sentences from natural languages. As a result of their utterly undefined nature, are unable to offer” (Vicente and Martinez-Manrique 397). It’s logical that something as unpredictably complex as the link between language and thought remains a subject of debate.

Complexity of communication via verbal

Although we’ve simplified the complexity of communication via verbal in this chapter in relation to the actual usage of it. Taking into account the many possibilities of symbolism and rules, contexts, and meanings, studying how humans utilize to communicate is a challenge. If you think about the complexity of communication through verbal language. It’s a wonder we are able to communicate effectively in the first place. However, it isn’t the only method humans employ to communicate. In the next chapter, we will look at the other popular channel we employ: nonverbal communication.

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